Robert Ettinger - Man into Superman: The Startling Potential of Human Evolution -- And How To Be Part of It (1972)
Book Description
In the 1960s Ettinger founded the cryonics (cryonic hibernation) movement and authored 'The Prospect of Immortality'. In the 1970s Ettinger helped initiate the transhumanist revolution with his 'Man Into Superman'. Ettinger sees "discontinuity in history, with mortality and humanity on one side -- on the other immortality and transhumanity." > Cryonic hibernation (experimental long-term suspended animation) of humans may provide a "door into summer" unlike any season previously known. Such patients (individuals and families in cryonic hibernation) may yet experience the transhuman condition. Ettinger argues for his belief in "the possibility of limitless life for our generation." We should become aware of the incorrect, distorted, and oversimplified ideas presented in the popular media about cryonics and transhumanism. Ettinger believes that the cool logic and scientific evidence he presents should lead us to forget the horror movies and urban legends and embrace great expectations.
The Sculptor Sculpted
The Deficiencies of Natural Man
From Gilgamesh to Olaf Stapledon
Changes in the Chassis
Transsex and Supersex
Growing Pains
Morality for Immortals
The Penultimate Trump
Tuesday in Eternity
Copouts and Dropouts: The Threat of Immortality
Cryonics and the New Meliorism
References and Notes