Zbigniew Brzezinski - A Geostrategy for Eurasia (1997)


Seventy-five years ago, when the first issue of Foreign Affairs saw the light of day, the United States was a self-isolated Western hemi spheric power, sporadically involved in the affairs of Europe and Asia. World War II and the ensuing Cold War compelled the United States to develop a sustained commitment to Western Europe and the Far East. Americas emergence as the sole global superpower now makes an integrated and comprehensive strategy for Eurasia imperative. Eurasia is home to most of the world s politically assertive and dynamic states. All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia. The world s most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American primacy. After the United States, the next six largest economies and military spenders are there, as are all but one of the world s overt nuclear powers, and all but one of the covert ones. Eurasia accounts for 75 percent of the world s population, 60 per cent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources. Collectively, Eurasia's potential power overshadows even Americas.









John Rawlings Rees - Shaping of Psychiatry by War (1945)


The Salmon Lectures, delivered by the consulting psychiatrist to the British Army and Medical Director of the Tavistock Clinic, compose this volume. The author's extensive experience with psychiatry during World War I as well as in World War II makes it the expression of mellowed observation and judgment.

The book really consists of a series of brief essays on a great variety of topics, which represent the innumerable links of psychiatry to the problems of military and social life in almost all their aspects. This diversity makes it impossible to present an adequate summary of the book. It deals with all the activities of a psychiatrist in the services. The author points out that 'the friendly running fight against opposition' is, of itself, stimulating, and that, 'for most psychiatrists army service provides a new angle to their job and the art of psychiatry itself becomes dynamic'.

As to treatment, the author is not yet sure whether methods have developed very much. In spite of the use of sedation, narcoanalysis, and modified insulin therapy, returns to duty are no greater than during the last war, although possibly long term results may be better.

The author points out the need for recognizing the dull man with a low I.Q. and assigning him to appropriate duties. He emphasizes the necessity for giving as much attention to the mental as to the physical health of the potential officer. An excellent series of points on leadership and morale is included.













Jean Baudrillard - Hyperreal America (1993)


May 1968 in Paris was a utopian revolt which failed; America is a utopia which has been achieved. It is the original version of modernity. This article examines the logic of Biosphere 2 a miniature version of the entire planet, but which means the society is already living with the prospect of a catastrophe affecting its utopia, it is a zoological museum in anticipation of its own destruction.









Alice A. Bailey - The Externalization of the Hierarchy (1957)


The subject of human free will has always contrived to set men's mental teeth on edge. The fatalist automatically resigns himself to whatever befalls him, seeing in effects no cause attributable to his own action - or inaction; but resigned always to the working of an inexorable fate.

The Christian counterpart tends to accept his lot as the working of God's Will in which he has no say or part. At the other extreme stands the rebellious independent, determined to exercise his right to free, self-willed action.

This book, as one of its many values, shows the extent to which Hierarchy and other centres of life on the planet are dependent upon the unpredictable and often irresponsible factor of human free will. During the years leading up to the outbreak of World War II, every opportunity and every possible spiritual stimulation was offered to humanity in an effort to avoid precipitation of conflict on to the physical plane. Disciples and aspirants to discipleship were asked to give special cooperation to the Hierarchy, and to make an all-out effort to provide adequate leadership to human thought and decision. All were left free, however, to determine their own limits, if any, and to decide their own actions. According to law, the Hierarchy - even at danger point - could not infringe human free will and dictate or impose a course of action based on their own deeper knowledge and more profound insight.

Many of the spiritual factors surrounding the period of human history from 1919 to 1949 are presented in this book. The energies at work behind the world scene are shown; and the identity revealed of certain great Beings magnetically attracted in service towards this planet at a climaxing moment in the evolution of our planetary life.

These factors are an aid to our understanding of the interrelated energy patterns within the universe which operate according to law. But essentially they provide the esotericist with knowledge of available energy flow responding to planetary purpose and plan which can be contacted and given conscious and intelligent cooperation, particularly by those in whom the selfish, self-centred will has been transcended so that the spiritual will can be given more adequate expression. Some of these energy factors are particularly clear in the special "Messages" given over a period of many years at the time of the Festivals of Easter, Wesak and the Christ.

Many aspects of Hierarchical work, thought and planning are discussed in these Messages, with the Hierarchical effect shown of planetary evolution and initiation and its reflection into humanity. This achieved a climax at the time of the three Festivals in 1945, when a momentous decision was taken involving, among other results, the eventual externalisation of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ.

The final section of the book discusses the "Stages in the Externalisation of the Hierarchy". It is often difficult for the human mind to imagine the problems facing those liberated from the restrictions of form. It is even more difficult to contemplate the effects in those so liberated of a free choice to reassume such a limitation.

So we are helped to understand what the interdependence of life on this planet really signifies in terms of love, sacrifice and service by the part to the needs of the whole.